Help create a school that forms students in Truth, encourages them in wonder, and prepares them for life as capable and responsible children of God.
Drexel High School aims to produce graduates who:
- Know, love, and serve God
- Ask important questions such as “What ought I do?”, “What is love?”, “How ought something be used?”, “What is truth?” etc.
- Engage with technology in a well-ordered and healthy manner
- Are curious about the world and people
- Can articulate thoughts and arguments through writing that is both grammatically correct and interesting to the reader
- Conduct themselves with poise, confidence, and respect for self and others
- Are physically active and understand how to engage in leisure and a healthy lifestyle
- Embrace their role as responsible citizens of their community
As much as the modern school system would like to turn students into predictable automatons, human beings were not created to regurgitate the common and convenient narrative.
Created in the image and likeness of God, we are designed to co-create with God through our work. This co-creation with God requires freedom, knowledge, discipline, and imagination.
Will you give today and ensure that students have the opportunity to attend a school that equips them with confidence and knowledge? Will you be a part of the solution to our culture’s problems and encourage students in rightly ordered passions, self-discipline, and critical thinking?
Your tax-deductible donation will be used to:
- Recruit faculty who are faithful Catholics, experts in their fields, and passionate about providing an exceptional education for their students
- Create a culture of service and love through community meals, a peaceful and beautiful atmosphere, and personal mentoring
- Purchase books and curriculum that effectively communicate Truth and goodness
- Encourage students in their faith through daily Mass, frequent access to confession, joyful theology classes, and youth events